Five Clinical Cases: 5 Tough Questions


Here: 5 cases submitted by your colleagues: see if you know what the findings in each case indicate.

Question 1:

A 22-year-old woman presented with right lower quadrant and suprapubic abdominal pain. A CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a thickened tubular structure in the right lower quadrant with a hypodense mass directly adjacent to it. Radiographic interpretation included an adnexal mass, but appendicitis could not be ruled out. The patient underwent emergent laparoscopy. During surgery, a large ovary, thickened fallopian tube, and adnexal fluid were visualized on the right side. The appendix appeared normal. A significant number of adhesions that involved the liver were noted. The diagnosis was Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome.


For the discussion, click here.

For the answer, click here.


Question 2:

A 41-year-old woman with chest pain and dysphagia has profound neutropenia. Her WBC count is 2200/μL; absolute neutrophil count, 300/μL; hemoglobin level, 12.3 g/dL; and mean corpuscular volume, 83 f. Her platelet count is normal. She has hepatitis B and C, schizophrenia, and recently had a keratoplasty. She smokes 4 or 5 cigarettes a day and crack cocaine 2 or 3 times a week.


For the discussion, click here.

For the answer, click here.


Question 3:

A 29-year-old man had pain and circular, soft swelling over the anterior left knee, superficial to the patellar ligament. For the past 10 years, he has worked laying floor tile.


For the discussion, click here.

For the answer, click here.


Question 4:

A 37-year-old man had painful, burning, blistering skin lesions that started on the face and spread to his trunk and extremities. Ten days earlier, he had received a diagnosis of AIDS and had started therapy.


For the discussion, click here.

For the answer, click here.


Question 5:

An asymptomatic, firm, nontender mass had been growing on the neck, slightly left of midline at the level of the hyoid bone, of a 54-year-old man. The mass was mobile on protrusion of the tongue and during swallowing. An axial thoracic CT scan revealed a 3 x 3-cm cyst attached to the hyoid bone.


For the discussion, click here.



Question 1. B

Question 2. E

Question 3. D

Question 4. B

Question 5. A

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