About our bloggers


Beat Physician BurnoutDike Drummond MD is an expert in stress management and burnout prevention for physicians. He is a high energy speaker, trainer, and consultant on how to create physician engagement, healthy life balance and a physician friendly workplace. He is CEO of TheHappyMD.com where his newsletter reaches doctors in 63 countries around the world. Dr. Drummond is the creator of the Burnout Prevention Video Training Series and the 1 Minute Mindfulness Program for Physicians.

Beat Physician BurnoutDike Drummond MD is an expert in stress management and burnout prevention for physicians. He is a high energy speaker, trainer, and consultant on how to create physician engagement, healthy life balance and a physician friendly workplace. He is CEO of TheHappyMD.com where his newsletter reaches doctors in 63 countries around the world. Dr. Drummond is the creator of the Burnout Prevention Video Training Series and the 1 Minute Mindfulness Program for Physicians.

On Health and Mental Health Erik R. Vanderlip, MD, is a senior fellow and acting instructor in the University of Washington Department of Psychiatry. As a dually-trained family physician and psychiatrist, Dr Vanderlip is active in national health system redesign efforts with a particular interest in newer models of the medical home. He practices family medicine in a hybrid primary care clinic within a mental health center in Seattle.

The HIV-AIDS Observer Rodger D. MacArthur, MD, is Professor of Medicine, Wayne State University, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Director and Site Principal Investigator, Wayne State University HIV/AIDS Clinical Research Unit.

Speaking of PainSteven A. King, MD, MS, is in the private practice of pain medicine in New York, and he is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine, New York.

Tales Doctors TellDavid T Nash, MD, is Clinical Professor of Medicine at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, New York. The author of more than 250 peer-reviewed clinical articles, Dr Nash has practiced cardiology in Syracuse for over 50 years. He is a Fellow of the National Lipid Association.

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