Coronavirus Update: What Primary Care Physicians Should Know


The first US case of the 2019 novel coronavirus had been identified. Here is what you need to know about the illness responsible for sickening >500 individuals and the death of 17.

The CDC reported Tuesday the first US case of the illness caused by the novel coronavirus (nCoV) that emerged in China late in 2019. The individual, in his 30s, recently traveled to the city of Wuhan, China, where the virus was first reported. He is hospitalized and currently listed in good condition. The virus was confirmed by laboratory testing at the CDC.The details change hourly but the most recent report from US news sources reporting in China on Wednesday, January 22, 2020, is that more than 500 cases and 17 deaths have been reported in and around the city of Wuhan. Cases have been identified in Thailand, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.Patient Care has put together a brief slide show on what primary care physicians should know about the virus, its spread, clinical features to watch for, and infection prevention and control measures.

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