COVID-19 Updates: US and Global Cases, Deaths, and Recoveries as of March 29, 2021


Data from the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 interactive map and the CDC on COVID-19 cases, mortalities, vaccinations, and more.

How many cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been confirmed in the US?

According to the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 interactive map, as of today, March 29, 2021 at 8:25 AM, EDT, there have been:

• 30 262 717 confirmed cases
• 549 335 deaths

The 5 states with the highest total confirmed cases are:

1. California: 3 660 713
2. Texas: 2 782 837
3. Florida: 2 044 005
4. New York: 1 850 732
5. Illinois: 1 237 732

Deaths: California has the most deaths due to COVID-19 with 58 949 reported fatalities, followed by New York with 50 017, and Texas with 48 093.

Tests administered: California leads in number of persons tested with 53 384 553 people tested, followed by New York with 44 379 816 people tested, and Texas with 21 159 863 people tested.

How many cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed globally?

Globally, there have been 127 289 043 confirmed cases, 2 785 365 deaths, and 72 200 063 recoveries.

*Not all states are reporting recoveries

How many COVID-19 vaccines have been distributed in the US?

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of March 29, 2021, at 12:26 PM, EDT, there have been:

• 180 646 565 total doses delivered
• 145 812 835 total doses administered
• 95 015 762 people who received at least 1 dose
• 52 614 231 people who are fully vaccinated

The 5 states with the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated are:

1. New Mexico: 23.1%
2. Alaska: 22%
3. South Dakota: 21.9%
4. Rhode Island: 20.1%
5. North Dakota: 19.9%

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