To remove impacted cerumen, havepatients pour a drop or two of baby oilin the affected ear before going to bed(just enough to fill the canal), then occludethe ear with a cotton ball.
To remove impacted cerumen, havepatients pour a drop or two of baby oilin the affected ear before going to bed(just enough to fill the canal), then occludethe ear with a cotton ball. Thefollowing morning, they can removethe cotton and gently rinse the earcanal with warm water from a bulb syringe.The petroleum-based baby oilhelps dissolve the cerumen. Advise patientsto have their ear canal and tympanicmembrane examined after theremoval of impacted cerumen. Thosewho have chronic cerumen impactioncan perform this procedure everymonth.
- Gregory Neyman, DC
Duane Hinshaw, DO
Garland, Tex