GSK Adult RSV Vaxx: Public Health Expert Reviews Topics for ACIP Meeting in June



"So they're going to look at a holistic picture of this virus and the vaccine, and what the vaccine is capable of doing to mitigate the damage caused by the virus, and at what cost."

The adult vaccination against respiratory syncytial virus (Arexvy, GSK) approved by the US Food and Drug Administration on May 3, 2023, moves to the next stage of evaluation during the June meeting of the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP).

In a recent conversation with Patient Care, Kelly Moore, MD, MPH, president and chief executive officer of and a past ACIP voting member, reviewed the topics that are likley to be covered during the meeting. The safety and efficacy data will be scrutinized again and will be followed by an economic analysis and a determination of the population most appropriate for the vaccination. Moore adds more, below.

Kelly Moore, MD, MPH, is the president and chief executive officer of, a nonprofit immunization education and advocacy organization that supports state and local immunization coalitions and front-line immunization providers. She also is adjunct associate professor of health policy at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Until 2018, Moore served as the director of the Tennessee Immunization Program at the state's department of health. She has served as a voting member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Diseaes Conrol and Prevention and is an advisor to the World Health Organization.

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