Bowman MA, Baxt WG (eds)OFFICE EMERGENCIESPhiladelphia, WB Saunders Company, 2003, 416 pages,softcover $34.95
Bowman MA, Baxt WG (eds)OFFICE EMERGENCIESPhiladelphia, WB Saunders Company, 2003, 416 pages,softcover $34.95How best to proceed when faced with an emergency inwhich prompt decisions are critical? This text provides usefultips on a wide range of emergent situations you are likelyto encounter-from the immediately life-threatening tothe smaller but still urgent problems that can arise in officepractice. Chapters are concise and organized by presentingproblem rather than diagnosis to allow for rapid reference.Recommendations are evidence-based wherever possible, yetalso grounded in clinical experience. In addition to suchstandard topics as upper airway obstruction, chest pain, hypertensiveemergencies, seizures, acute abdominal pain, GIbleeding, spinal injury, obstetric and gynecologic emergencies,electrolyte disturbances, acute poisoning, and anaphylaxis,the book covers chemical terrorism and bioterrorism.Numerous tables and algorithms are included; diagrams,drawings, and photographs illustrate key techniques and diagnosticfindings.Constant JESSENTIALS OF BEDSIDE CARDIOLOGY:WITH A COMPLETE COURSE IN HEART SOUNDSAND MURMURS ON CD (ed 2)Totowa, NJ, Humana Press, 2003, 312 pages (plus CD),hardcover $89.50When cardiac imaging studies are not available, when the patientis not a good candidate for them, or when it is likely-forwhatever reason-that the results will not be reliable, you willneed to call on the time-tested skills of history taking, physicalexamination, and auscultation. Here the author draws on his40 years of clinical experience to help you enhance your physicaldiagnosis skills. He starts with a proven battery of questionsdesigned to elicit information on cardiac symptoms,which is followed by chapters on clues to cardiac disease fromthe patient's physical appearance, measurement of arterialand jugular pulses and pressures, and proper use of the stethoscope.The core of the book is devoted to a detailed explanationof how to identify, grade, and interpret the full range of heartsounds and murmurs. An accompanying 70-minute CD providesexamples-taken from actual patients-of all the soundsand murmurs discussed. Numerous diagrams, drawings, andphotographs appear throughout the text.Braverman LE (ed)DISEASES OF THE THYROID (ed 2)Totowa, NJ, Humana Press, 2003, 400 pages, hardcover $125The past 5 years have seen considerable progress in our understanding of a widevariety of thyroid disorders. To keep pace with these developments, an internationalteam of experts have revised and updated this text. New to this edition are achapter on the clinical relevance of the sodium/iodide symporter and expandedcoverage of autoimmune thyroid disease and thyroid cancer. Other chapters addressthyroid disorders of pregnancy, thyroid dysfunction in children and the elderly,and the evaluation and management of nodular goiter. Public health issues-including environmental goitrogens, iodine-induced thyroid disease, and theworldwide problem of iodine deficiency-are also discussed.
Sotagliflozin in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and CKD to be Discussed at October FDA AdComm Meeting
October 14th 2024Lexicon's sotagliflozin is on the October 31 docket for discussion by the FDA's Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee; PDUFA goal date remains set for December 20.