FDA Grants Fast Track Designation to Rezpegaldesleukin for Atopic Dermatitis
Rezpegaldesleukin targets the IL-2 receptor complex to stimulate regulatory T cells, aiming to restore immune balance in people with atopic dermatitis.
Primary Viewpoints: Immunizations with Dr Steven P. Furr
"Primary Viewpoints," a podcast from Patient Care Online, brings you an exclusive interview with Steven P. Furr, former president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Elevated Suicide Risk Identified in People with Headache Disorders
Post-traumatic headaches and trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia significantly increased the risk for attempted and completed suicide, according to new study.
Infectious Disease & Primary Care: A Conversation with IDWeek 2023 Chair
Listen to our latest podcast episode with Heather Yun, MD, for details on emerging pathogens, the role of primary care clinicians in the effort to rein in antimicrobial resistance, and more.
FDA Approves Nonopioid Journavx for Acute Pain: Daily Dose
Your daily dose of the clinical news you may have missed.
Cancer Screening is Essential for Prevention and Guidance Begins in Primary Care
A family medicine specialist who works with cancer survivorship highlights findings of a study that illustrate how effective screening is and how treatment has changed.