Rubeola, roseola, rubella -- oh my! See what you know about traditional lay terms for these diseases and how they are similar and different.
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My mother, born in the 1920's and now deceased, would not have been familiar with the word “rubeola,” but she had a lot of personal experience with the measles. In fact, in her world there were three types of “measles” and I remember she had 7 names for these three types.
1. Can you match up the traditional lay term with the correct medical name?
10-day measles a. Rubeola
3-day measles b. Roseola
German measles c. Pityriasis rosea
Hard measles d. Rubella
Red measles e. Erythema infectiosum
Baby measles
Soft measles
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⺠10-day measles, hard measles, and red measles are the names my mom used for rubeola.
⺠3-day measles, German measles, and soft measles were what we medical types would call rubella.
⺠Baby measles refers to roseola. Other countries have some rather whimsical names for roseola: wind measles (Philippines), sudden measles (Japan, China), tiny measles (Malasia)
These three diseases all have morbilliform (or measles-like) rashes defined as macular, erythematous lesions 2- to 10-mm in diameter but often confluent. A number of other conditions can also cause morbilliform rashes: drug allergy, mononucleosis, Kawaski syndrome, and other viruses.
2. Which of these three conditions is better defined as a syndrome instead of a disease?
A. Rubeola
B. Rubella
C. Roseola
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Answer: C. Roseola
Rubeola and rubella are each caused by a specific virus so are specific diseases. Roseola is a syndrome characterized by about 3 days of high fever followed by a morbilliform rash. Two subtypes of human herpes type 6 and type 7 herpes are felt to be responsible for most cases of roseola. With more than one etiologic agent, roseola is better defined as a syndrome
Mayo Clinic. Diseases and Conditions: Roseola. Accessed on March 3 and available at:
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