The Great Atopic Dermatitis Treatment Debate: Biologics vs JAK Inhibitors
There really is no debate - it's all about individualizing treatment for the patient, but Drs Neal Bhatia and Raj Chovatiya went head to head at Midwinter Hawaii.
Primary Viewpoints: Immunizations with Dr Steven P. Furr
"Primary Viewpoints," a podcast from Patient Care Online, brings you an exclusive interview with Steven P. Furr, former president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
60 Tips in 60 Minutes: Day 1 at the 2025 Midwinter Clinical Hawaii Dermatology Conference
The dermatologic tips offered in this short slide show come from 4 renowned professionals and reflect their subspecialties.
Infectious Disease & Primary Care: A Conversation with IDWeek 2023 Chair
Listen to our latest podcast episode with Heather Yun, MD, for details on emerging pathogens, the role of primary care clinicians in the effort to rein in antimicrobial resistance, and more.
Atopic Dermatitis Treatments Up Close: Biologics, JAK Inhibitors, and Cytokines, Oh My
Atopic dermatitis management will be the topic of a debate over treatment with biologics and JAK inhibitors and in a focused session on the role of IL-13 in the chronic skin disease.
Robert F Kennedy, Jr, Confirmed to Lead HHS
After sometimes heated exchanges during confirmation hearings, the Senate vote was 52-48 in favor of RFK, Jr, with Sen Mitch McConnel the sole opposing Republican.