October 9th 2024
Prior SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with a 2-fold increased risk for MACE for up to 3 years, even among people with no history of CVD, in a new analysis of UK Biobank data.
Elevating Care for PAH: Applying Recommended Management Approaches to Maximize Outcomes
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7th Annual New York Cardio-Endo-Renal Collaborative (NY CERC)
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‘REEL’ Time Patient Counseling™: Navigating the Complex Journey of Diagnosing and Managing Fabry Disease
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Expert Illustrations & Commentaries™: Envisioning Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Managing ANCA-associated Vasculitis
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Surv.AI Says: Real-World Insights Into the Journey for Patients With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
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Eye Signs of Systemic Disease: Case 6 Diabetic Maculopathy
January 1st 2004During an annual eye examination, a 65-year-old womanwith a 5-year history of type 2 insulin-dependent diabetescomplained that her vision had slightly worsened in botheyes. Her best corrected visual acuity was 20/30 in botheyes.
Dyshidrosis and Photoallergic Drug Reaction
August 2nd 2003A slightly pruritic, red, scaly rash on an 8-year-old boy’shands has been progressively worsening since it appeared4 months earlier. Nail pitting also was noted. There are noother rashes on his body. The patient is active in sports;denies any new exposure to soaps, clothing, or other contactants;and spends time in the homes of his recently divorcedparents.
Fournier Gangrene in a 77-Year-Old African American Man
June 1st 2003A 77-year-old African American man with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease presented to the emergency department with acute scrotal swelling and pain. His testicles were erythematous with focal areas of necrosis and associated tissue destruction. Similar skin changes were apparent in the lower abdominal and inguinal regions.
CASE 5: Palmoplantar Psoriasis
June 1st 2003A 63-year-old woman presents withdiffuse hyperkeratosis of the solesand palms. She also has onycholysis-separation of the nail plate fromthe nail bed-and salmon-coloredplaques behind her ears. Biopsy ofone of the plaques confirms the suspecteddiagnosis of psoriasis.
Psoriasis: Update on Therapy for the Various Manifestations
June 1st 2003A middle-aged man with"jock itch" that has failed torespond to antifungal creams.An older woman who has diffusehyperkeratosis of predominantlyweight-bearing surfaces.A young man with mildlypruritic, small, salmon pinkpapules and thick white scaleon his trunk and arms.
CASES 4A AND 4B: Guttate Psoriasis
June 1st 20034A:Small, slightly pruritic, salmonpink papules with thick white scalehave arisen over the past 5 days onthe trunk and arms of a 24-year-oldman. The patient has a history ofvery mild psoriasis vulgaris of the elbows,knees, and scalp; he deniesstreptococcal pharyngitis or other recentinfections. Guttate psoriasis isdiagnosed.
CASE 8: Erythrodermic or Pustular Psoriasis
June 1st 2003A 60-year-old man with a long historyof psoriasis vulgaris required a systemiccorticosteroid for a severe exacerbationof asthma. Soon after theErythrodermic or Pustular Psoriasiscorticosteroid was discontinued, generalizederythema and scaling of theskin developed.
Livedo Reticularis and Contact Dermatitis to Poison Ivy
March 1st 2003A network of purplish pink lesions recently developed on a 28-year-old woman’sarms and legs. The asymptomatic rash becomes more prominent with exposureto cold. The patient denies fever, aches, arthralgias, oral erosions, chestpain, and photosensitivity.