October 15th 2024
Update: The FDA has told compounding pharmacies they may resume production of tirzepatide products while the agency further investigates supply.
October 10th 2024
Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum
May 1st 2002The atrophic patches on the lower legs of this 47-year-old woman who has haddiabetes mellitus for over 20 years are those of necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum.These areas involve degeneration of collagen and elastic fibers in thelower dermis and changes in blood vessel walls. The lesions usually begin assingle or multiple elevated reddish nodules, most commonly in the pretibialarea. Over time, they expand and coalesce into distinctive brownish yellowpatches. These areas may be somewhat tender, but as they spread, theyfrequently become painless-unless they ulcerate. Because the involved skinis fragile, ulcers can form after any minor trauma.
Menstrual Migraine: How "Mini-Prophylaxis" Can Work for Your Patient
May 1st 2002Migraine is an episodic, often debilitatingcondition that affects women moreoften than men. Twenty-eight millionAmericans suffer from migraineheadaches-and nearly 75% of theseare women.1 Unlike other chronic painconditions, migraine has its peakprevalence during the years of greatestproductivity, when most women arejuggling family responsibilities andcareers.2 Many women are particularlysusceptible to migraine attacks justbefore and during menses.
Prednisone for Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
April 15th 2002Levofloxacin, 500 mg/d, had been prescribed for a 74-year-old woman who had a urinary tract infection. The patient had type 2 diabetes and hypertension. She was allergic to sulfa drugs. Two hours after taking the first oral dose of the antibiotic, painful blisters developed on the lower lip and soft palate.
Dyslipidemia: Rational Use of the Statins
January 1st 2002Although the cardiovascular death ratehas declined in the United States, thenumber of hospitalizations for cardiacdisease has not. The improvement incare has been offset by an increase inthe number of older Americans. By2050, more than 100 million Americanswill be 60 years of age or older,and about 30 million will be older than80 years.